The video above is a video takes a compilation of interviews from a school district that has implemented a smart phone program. "Project K-Nect" gives smart phones to students within the school district to use in academic scenarios. This video discusses all of the benefits that are to be had from these smart phones. Interviews are taken from teachers, PSA members, parents, students, and principles. 

        Everyone agrees that this new system has been a success for everyone. Kids are learning and interacting which is the ultimate goal. There are numerous benefits discussed in the video from the students using these smart phones. These benefits range anywhere from solving math equations, to helping out others figure out homework, and all the way to helping students socialize and gain friends. 

         With more and more school districts experimenting with smart phones every year we are on our way to a new learning environment. This new style of learning could change classrooms forever. There are even schools who do not require their students to be on campus everyday because some of the classes can be taught online (as stated in a news report). This may or may not have negative ramifications however. What if students stop going to class and start slacking off? Just like every other new adventure we will have to deal with the roadblocks as they present themselves.
Megan Parsons
12/17/2013 09:50:53 am

I agree that with any new plan there will always be repercussions and using smart phones in class is no exception. I am personally not a fan of smart phones in class due to the various distractions they can cause, though I am also old school in the fact that I prefer talking to someone face to face, taking notes using pencil and paper, and having tangible books. I can see why people like it because it is an effective way to communicate and take note during class but I think there are more negatives to using smart phones in class than there are positives.


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    Logan Garske

    Logan Garske is senior at Colorado State University majoring in Psychology with a concentration in Industrial/Organization Psychology and minoring in Business Administration.


    December 2013

